

really over now
hope you all had a very merry christmas!


found a little vintage heart in one of my jewelleryboxes

do not try to colour macarons (or cheesecake) with grenadine - very stupid idea...


one of the necklaces i did this year for christmas - soon on it`s way to northern germany...


the third candle on my little advent wreath - made by waldi

klara & elsa: now you have to post a picture of yours!


took my turn on making macarons and i think they turned out quite pretty.

i went for a vanilla-chocolate-version based on this recipe.


right now i`m working on some frames to display my polaroids.

since we are the recycling kind i just used left over cardboard cuts from my diploma. i really like the cardboards texture and colour - changing and fading exposed to direct sunlight.

you can quite simply slide the photos in and out again at the top of the frame, so no hurt is done to them with glue or such things.

actually i got inspired by this frame - but this one doesn`t fit polaroids.

if there is someone out there in need of something like that - i`m working on a whole batch right now.


two more pictures of necklaces - the one with the little blue hearts is available right HERE.
and something i did for a christmas card this year.


made THESE three days ago - they are already gone now, i think i have to make an other batch.


This time my conscience is clean - i found a couple of scarfs at a fleamarket in summer, the one with the leo-print is my favorite so far.


One of the necklaces from the "A winters night" - collection.

Now available at Designmeisterei, Potsdam.


Last years christmas-cookbook.

11 recipies (unfortunatly just in german, including two-tone orange jelly, pavlova, plum cones, panforte,...)

silk screen print (black, golden),leporello fold, 13 pages - printed and bound by hand

some of the last ones are available HERE

there are still some left with a commercial print on the backside - if someone is interested.


Please note: Elsa is not the one buying skirts at h&m and feeling bad about it afterwards - that would be her unprincipled sister Anna.

Four of Elsas dresses.
Made of vintage shirts for men, using just the original materials - fabric, buttons, even most of the existing seams - exept new thread. Some of them are custom-made for special persons, some of them were for sale.
Presented and pictures taken by Judith and Larissa. Thank you both very much!


Necklaces i`m working on right now.
Jade, vintage glass beads, high performance bead cord, 925/000 silver.
More pictures coming soon.


A few necklaces just moved from our daWanda-shop to Designmeisterei, Gutenbergstraße 23, 14467 Potsdam.
But if someone is interested in one of these - they can be redone with slight variations.


although i really like the pattern of my new skirt, i kind of have a bad conscience because i bought it at hm...


Neue Ketten!
Eine historische Perle und ein Silberplättchen an einem Nylonfaden, mit silbernem Verschluss
zu haben HIER und HIER

New necklaces!

one vintage glass bead, a little silver disk on nylon bead cord, silver fastening

available HERE and HERE


nr. 35

Kette 136
Historische Perlen, 925/000 Silber
erhältlich HIER
(necklace 136, vintage glass beads, 925/000 silver, available RIGHT HERE)


nr. 34

Kette 154
Historische Perlen, 925/000 Silber
HIER zu haben
(Necklace 154, vintage glass beads, 925/000 silver, available right HERE)


weihnachtsmarkt - holiday shop

Heute startet unser Weihnachtsmarkt auf daWanda!
Die ersten Ketten sind schon zu haben, in nächster Zeit folgen dann auch noch Karten nach. Leider können wir wegen der großen Nachfrage keine Kleider aus Herrenhemden anbieten und es ist vor Weihnachten auch nicht mehr möglich, selbst Hemden einzuschicken, um sie umarbeiten zu lassen. Wir geben Bescheid, sobald es wieder Bestellmöglichkeiten gibt!
Viel Spaß beim Besuch HIER!
Today our holiday shop at daWanda is starting!
Necklaces are already available, greetings cards are following the next days.
We are sorry for not being able to offer customised vintage shirts due to a huge request, but we let you know as soon as we are able to provide new ones!
Have fun visiting RIGHT HERE.


Weihnachtskarten "Schleife" und "Beeren"

A6, Klappkarten, 250 g cremefarbenes Naturpapier, zwei-farbiger Siebdruck (gold/magenta)

ab 1.11. in unserem daWanda-Weihnachtsmarkt erhältlich

Christmas cards "Ribbon" and "Berries"

A 6, greetings cards, 250 g creme-coloured uncoated paper, two-tone silkscreen-print (gold/magenta)

available at our daWanda-holiday-shop starting at 1.11.2009


nr. 33

Kette 155
Historische Glasperlen, 925/000 Silber
ab 1.11. im daWanda-Weihnachtsmarkt zu haben
(necklace 155, vintage glass beads, 925/000 silver, available RIGHT HERE)


nr. 32

Kette 147
Historische Glasperlen, 925/000 Silber
ab 1.11. im daWanda-Weihnachtsmarkt zu haben
(necklace 147, vintage glass beads, 925/000 silver, available at our daWanda-holiday-shop starting at 1.11.2009, RIGHT HERE)


nr. 31

Kette 101
Historische Perlen, 925/000 Silber
ab 1.11. im daWanda-shop zu erhalten
(necklace 101, vintage glass beads, 925/000 silver, available at our daWanda-holiday-shop, starting at 1.11.2009, RIGHT HERE)


nr. 30

Kette 153
Historische Perlen, 925/000 Silber
ab 1.11. in unserem daWanda-Weihnachtsmarkt erhältlich
(necklace 153, vintage beads, 925/000 silver, available at our daWanda-holiday-shop starting at 1.11., RIGHT HERE)


nr. 29 + weihnachtsmarkt

Kette 103b

Historische Perlen, 925/000 Silber

ab 1.11. in unserem Weihnachtsmarkt auf daWanda zu haben


was es da sonst noch gibt, könnt ihr in den nächsten Tagen sehen

die Herbstkarten sind jetzt auch erhältlich bei "Schau hi", Obere Bachgasse 19, Regensburg

(necklace 103b, vintage glass beads, 925/000 silver; availabel at our daWanda-holiday-shop ,starting on 1.11.2009, RIGHT HERE)


nr. 28

Kette 113
Historische Perlen, 925/000 Silber
(necklace 113, vintage glass beads, 925/000 silver)


nr. 27

Kette 135
Historische Perlen, 925/000 Silber
(necklace 135, vintage glass beads, 925/000 silver)