
just filled the flat with acid smoke
since i forgot about a bit of fruit punch on the stove
while giving little cat girl a belly rub
(pictures of her and me taken by sister E)
thank you for your kind and uplifting comments on the last post
the dark thoughts are gone
but i thought i is okay to talk about the not so pretty things once in a while
right now i´m in a kind of new year mood
planing and getting things done
like ordering eight kinds of columbine seeds for the garden
and getting a new hair cut at one of those cheap places
with a MTV show about how to score a date playing in the background
(apparently dressing and dancing like the hookers living down the street
back in Stuttgart helps a lot - thank good i´m no confused teenager any more)
 looks good though
the cheaper the hair cut the more i tip
forcing fritillaria bulbs - those really take their time
well, of course we work on "real" stuff, too...
not all the time is spent arranging pink pepper
we keep the FESTIVE PENDANTS in the shop
and as long as Winter lasts also SNOW CARDS and POSTCARDS
this is really stunning: TOMORROW IS AN OTHER DAY (via DESIGN FOR MANKIND)
can´t think of something more appropriate "hospital art"

5 Kommentare:

  1. thanks for making my day grey wonderful
    love your little book

    good to hear you feeling fine in the moment

    1. i´m so glad you liked that little book
      even though christmas was already over...

      all the best!

  2. Dein friseurbesuch, du beschreibst ihn so, dass ich schmunzeln muss und weiß, wieso ich dich so gerne lese und bei den bilderstimmungen inne halte!

  3. ich liebe das 2 und letzte bild. Wow.

  4. mir geht´s wie julie -
    lachfalten zum friseurbesuch
    und gut zu hören -
    dass es dir besser geht
    trotzdem 'schön' -
    dass du hier auch mal 'dunklen momenten' platz gibst
    das braucht´s -
    finde ich!
