
after those busy months
time is slowing down in the workshop
last year ended on such a happy note
this one started a bit painful - for me
a full blown return of the back pain
(there´s soon an end to that since my magician physiotherapist returned from his holiday)
in combination with an unsettling stomach ache
hopefully someone finds out soon where it´s coming from 
and what can be done about it
this kind of sucks the energy right out of me
and all i want to do is come up with ideas and plans
since i really like the fresh feeling of a brand new year
since a lot of you enjoyed E´s performance
i will ask her to do one every time she comes visiting
right now she´s a bit stressed out writing and painting her thesis
but it´s going to be all right
she´s not only a fun performer but also an excellent writer
her first publication being on the beauty of smallness
she forgot the very small elephant i made her for Christmas
to a - from now on - better new year
an interesting  BASIL CAKE
super constructed jewellery by UNCOMMON MATTERS
knitted these MITTENS from WIKSTEN already twice
love the pattern and the colours of this SCARF
(in case someone from Germany is about to place a TOAST order please let me know)

16 Kommentare:

  1. happy new year, I hope you feel better soon, I started the year similarly and now I begin to recover. here's to many new and lovely plan. h.

  2. hope you feel better soon Anna, happy new start as soon you are back in shape!
    ( ps: i know that feeling, 2013 was for me a really crappy year, technically I like to think this is a new beginning).

    1. starting to feel slightly better... i´m sorry 2013 wasn´t your year - hopefully 2014 will be amazing!

  3. die möwen ziehen so schön dahin, dass ich sie gern groß hier hängen hätte, obwohl sie doch ständig am fenster vorbeifliegen. aber die kleinen mag ich sehr :).

    ich wünsche dir schnelle besserung!
    (vielleicht schlägt dir etwas auf den magen? - gedanken ... )

    das rosa kännchen ist ja (wie das ganze virtuelle Lärchen) e n t z ü c k e n d!
    da möchte ich gern real stöbern!

    ich freue mich auf noch mehr tänze zur gegebenen zeit
    (vergessliche schwestern kenne ich wohl auch ;) )

    2 0 1 4 wird schon schön werden!

    1. die möwen waren sehr sauer
      sie hatten futter erwartet als belohnung für ihre flugübungen

      ich überleg schon, was mich denn da drücken könnte
      und lass es langsam angehen das jahr

      aber feine kleine ideen kommen schon
      und ich kann es kaum erwarten - hallo 2014!

  4. so sorry to read you are not well
    i suffer from back pains
    but am so Lucky that my love himself
    is a magical manuel/physiotherapist ;^))

    hope you feel better soon

    1. that is of course an awesome coincidence!
      maybe i look for someone like that too:)

      thank you for your well wishes!

  5. that is exactly what I wish for my sister, a boyfriend physiotherapist. But a nice one!

  6. diese bilder. so einzig. so voller zauber. so wundersam wunderschön!!!
    ich hoffe es geht dir ganz bald besser und du kannst dem kribbeln in deinen händen nachgeben.
    neues schaffen. hervorzaubern. ich bin gespannt und freu mich drauf!
    habs schön!!!


    1. das kribbeln wird stärker
      aber langsam kein eile
      so wie es eben will

      eine gute woche dir!

  7. Happy new year! I hope it will only be better for you from now on. I love your work and look forward to seeing your new ideas and plans.

  8. What a pretty picture the first one is. So unreal.

    Many warm moments for this wonderful 2014, dear Anna!
