cheer up, little K!
good luck, little E!
all the little animals came to support you, stitched rabbit even timetravelled from a 16th century patternbook just to be here for you - so stop crying, both of you!!!
dressing quite blue lately
made these granola bars - tried almonds, blueberries, walnuts, sunflower seeds, apricots and dates - now i can`t wait until they are cool enough to cut them into small pieces, they already smell so good... (p.s.: they turned out AMAZING - you have to give them a try!)
b-quality falke-tights, didn´t find the b in them yet...
devil`s food cupcakes from my new cookbook - presented by the very waitery looking W
new colours for my stitching and flowers on my skirt to bring back spring
these babies really make me happy... very excited about this
they both already made it into the "golden bee 8 - moscow international biennal of graphic design"-catalogue and workshop into "tokio tdc, vol.20"
have to take some pictures of the white-on-white-silkscreenprint, it turned out so pretty
the poster is presented by dear eva in the good old stuttgart-days...
i´m a lucky one - a today i saw-postcard is on the way - thank you so much already!
got my free sample of moo business-cards (the paper is 100% recycled) - very excited about them - i used some pictures from my diploma, now i`m working on some "real" cards without the commercial print
again it snowed all night and it didn´t stop until now - very quiet everywhere
an accidental birthday present for K
a new vest and dress
Important Artifacts and Personal Property from the Collection of Lenore Doolan and Harold Morris, Including Books, Street Fashion, and Jewelry - this book is really really genius