we thought of posting a documentation on how PETAL PENDANTS are made
since there´s a very nice interview with the A-part of WSAKE in the new BRIGITTE
we couldn´t be more happy about it
here we go:
making PETAL PENDANTS is hard and sometimes dirty work
even though i´m a rather trained "sawer" now
after finishing one or two i have to take a little sawing break
since the material is so thick and hard to maneuver
W calls me the sawing master - now he has discovered one of the secrets:
i´m working standing up
and after over 50 years of experience he says it´s so much easier to do it this way
so in case there are some people out there working in the same field
give it a try:)
then there is rolling and forging
followed by filing
(also drilling when a silver chain should be added and brazing, too)
browning with foul smelling hepar sulfuris
finishing, lots of it
we´re never working on more than three or four at once
(which is quite a big number for us)
since the process is so exhausting
but when those are done, we start over again