right after posting the dandelion crown last week
i found NINA´S dandelion syrup
of course i rushed out the next day
and picked 300 flowers
but i managed to break the tiny plate my grandmother gave to me
filled with VANILLA CRESCENTS right before she died
and chipped my favorite mixing bowl in the process
(i do have quite a few others, but this one had the perfect shape and size
and it was light blue on the outside)
also i cooked the syrup too long
so it´s more like candy now
the black cats took off a few months ago
but their mother is back now
got her neutered (trying to break free from the trap led to a scratched nose)
and now we do everthing together
she loves to be loved and sometimes cries when we´re not around
the oddest little creature, so haunted and so into being cuddled
one of her things is climbing into a tree and singing like a bird
topinambur is my new best enemy
i actually cry out in horror when i spot an other sprout
have to dug up whole beds to get rid of it
it´s not pretty
so whatever you do - do not ever not plant it in a pot
i would heve thrown it all away out of anger
but my garndmothers friend who planted it all over the garden (!!!)
loves it so much i had to pot some
want to read everything on the EVENCLEVELAND BOOKCLUB tumblr
a nice post on THE SPHINX AND THE MILKY WAY about why we share our work