
now i´m - allowed to listen to tacky Christmas songs
and decorate the kitchen (birch wreath inspired by NINA)
since it´s getting quite cold
i try really hard to lure the little black ones into the house
but they are not very adventurous
even though they do not like the snow
it´s also time to make a (lot of) wish(es)
so here we go:
these BOOTS in black
this COAT in olive and this CARDIGAN
and since i´m literally living in those since October i might get another of these JUMPERS 
(looks good in "tan", doesn´t it)
a MEMOIR by Grace Coddington
the Sprouted Kitchen COOKBOOK
i admit it  - i do love FRIENDS
the BOOK about the Makers Project
i wish W could make this BRACELET for myself
time to come up with ideas and actually make some furniture for my bedroom and kitchen
(all i know so far is that brass and marble should be involved)
a festive KINFOLK magazine (already arrived thanks to a...)
the BLANKET from Zierrat und Gold
CHRISTMAS CARDS by Hanna Konola (swapped last year, put up now) - also JOULUKALENTERI
a closet full of these WIRE HANGERS
meals shared with sisters and friends
to be continued
have a nice first Sunday in Advent