Ganz herzlich möchten wir euch zu unserem diesjährigen WSAKE Weihnachtsmarkt einladen!
Samstag, 18.12., 11-18 Uhr
WSAKE Showroom
Am Gries 35, Regensburg - Stadtamhof
Es gelten die aktuellen Corona Regelungen!
Auf Grund des etwas späten Termins können wir außerdem auch schon davor Besuchstermine ausmachen - meldet euch gerne!
Um möglichst alle eure Wünsche vor Weihnachten erfüllen zu können, wäre es toll, wenn ihr vor dem Aufgeben einer Bestellung kurz anfragt, da wir aktuell in eingeschränkter Kapazität arbeiten.
Above: A gold plated STAR RING shining the way home in a sky filled with sugary snow.
Weil das mit den Plätzchen auf unserem Weihnachtsmarkt diesmal wieder nichts wird, hier die Beliebstesten der letzten Jahre zum Selberbacken: GOLDEN MILK SHORTBRREAD, PREISELBEER-SAFRAN-GEBÄCK (auch fein mit Hagebuttenmarmelade) und BROWN SUGAR SANDWICH COOKIES / Although this won´t be any use for baking: TINY EGG NECKLACE / The Zimtstern necklace is only available on request, so do request it./ Silver TWISTY RINGS - they kinda look like SPRITZGEBÄCK / A silver plated COMB to rake the sugar snow out of your hair. No, it´s actually to keep your hair up, but that other line sounds so much more poetic.

EXTREMELY TINY HEART NECKLACES - or in other words, very very small ones. Available in silver and brass. / Send out some cheer with these RISO PRINTED or ECO-FRIENDLY CHRISTMAS CARDS.

HOUR GLASS EAR STUDS, so you always know when it´s time to take the cookies out of the oven. / EXTREMELY TINY HEART RINGS to go with the equally tiny heart necklaces.
SUN SPROCKET NECKLACE - für länger Licht an kurzen Tagen. / Und für mehr Licht im Haus: STUDIO MAALS (dazu passendes BIENENWACHS) / A deep-dive into the ULTIMATE PARTY: "We´re the kids who took over the castle and we can do whatever we want." + culinary ideas for your own ARTY PARTIES / The "Hot Priest" and THE PURSUIT OF LOVE.
This tiny star necklace is one of a kind and therefore only available by replying to this newsletter. There are also EAR RINGS, a BRACELET and another NECKLACE featuring that same star. / Again: No baking with this EGG!
EXTREMELY TINY HEART NECKLACE and COOKIE RINGS / An INSANE PROJECT for mad knitters with tons of left over sock wool and a love for hexagons + some VERY NICE MICE and HAPPY CATS (not as insane and they make quite nice ornaments too)
Bepuderzuckertes Spitzbuben-Herz or: PUFFY HEART NECKLACE / "Love was a country he visited and stayed for long stretches without calling home or bathing." PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY - a short story by Lisa Taddeo
Vanillekipferl-shaped PENDANTS (Ottolenghi´s not so classic hazelnut-and-cocoa-nibs VERSION) / EXTREMELY TINY HEART RINGS / To watch TED LASSO means at some point getting to watch that marvelous BEARD AFTER HOURS episode and forever wanting to dance to HELLO.