
with all the rain right now
the sun in the pictures seems almost unreal
but it suits my current mood
looks like i´m into endless handiwork projects
it gives me a feeling of continuity when something takes years to be finished
to make rings jeweller need to eat rings
W even tries on a pasta ring while enjoying his coffee
then we are restored and can work a bit more on new things
my uncle dumped an old garage door in my yard
an odd thing to have around
but everybody just loves that amazing turquoise colour
have a lovely Sunday everybody!


got a new phone
and since i´m very late in that game i made myself a late-bloomer-themed phone case
using some drawings i made for the FLORAL PATTERN CARDS
i like THOSE by Leah Goren too
also i joined Instagram right away - you can follow me @annawsake
got quite addicted instantly
since it´s so much quicker than blogging
but i guess i wont give it up
those working coats in dark colours don´t come in small sizes
so i´m looking like a unbelievable dirty doctor wearing a lab coat instead
right now we´re working on some custom made CHANGE NECKLACES
using heirloom beads and pearls
a FANCY STONE RING with a stunning two coloured yellow sapphire
and we´re thinking about a reedition of an Advent wreath W made a few decades ago
plums galore
not a day without
does someone has any experience with VSCO for Photoshop?
thinking about getting an edition but i have no idea what i should choose
any suggestions?


late summmer things
but right now it definitely feels like fall
wore pantyhose for the first time yesterday
quite tart local apricots for PISTACHIO SQUARES (Nina knows a DELICIOUS VERSION too)
(works excellent with our abundance of plums too + who doesn´t like such a friendly called recipe)
a HORCHATA made with apricots
and a PLUM CAKE with champagne and olive oil
W thinks those wire beads are too common
i think they are delightful anyway
and a good way to get some training in aiming with the solder flame
S did not like my tightly bound fall flowers
so she tore them apart again after taking the pictures
she was right i guess
cat does not like the fish rattle
too noisy
and i do like ANA KRAS
so i work on a lamp shade once i a while - very fangirl like
completely aware that hers are actually art 


i´m quite sure i´m really boring you
but there´s not so much happening in my life
doing laundry 
(cat approves very much)
cutting down a monstrous purple hanging plant once or twice a year 
(and starting it over again with the cuttings)
working on some SWIMMING RINGS
oh, that´s a bit exciting: some PLANT HANGERS arrived from Portugal
get them now - there are only a few more left until the next shipment
i do have the feeling HONY is currently doing his part to restore world peace
me - not so much
in case you´d like a purple plant too to spend your dull time with
let me know and i´ll send you a cutting next time
with some kind of egg free marzipan filling
but that´s as exciting as it gets around here
yesterday: WORLD´S CAT DAY


W is trying to smile with our SEMICIRCLE COLLAR NECKLACE
he has to work on that a bit more though
while taking the pictures he asked why a feature about olives would stream perfectly on his favorite gadget
and one about grapes wont
i had no idea of course
he´s very worried about the durability of his ipad so i told him i´d get him a new one
the minute his best new friend bites the dust
he seemed relieved
the intestines of antique church candlesticks
the silver pieces are currently getting a make over
the most disappointing pesto i made - ever
stringy - apparently too old - sorrel tasting bland and slightly tart
i´m a huge pesto lover
(and i tell everyone about that fact, a lot, it might turn into an annoying habit)
so i wont be put off by this and will try a new herb this very weekend
let´s see what the farmers market has to offer
TROPICAL MOONS in the morning sun
figs and blackberries from Ss + Ws garden
i have no idea where those shiny black seeds are from
but i find them all over the garden
quite likely a evil weed
i like to find little devilish gifts at the flea market
this hideous picture frame is for painter E
to put the drawings in she´s going to make when in France
bon voyage
an exhibition by ANA KRAS
a nice BLOUSE
a BOOK STAND EVENT i would have loved to visit
i wonder how this BRASS CUBE will looks once it´s actually used
it´s very likely heavily coated to remain shiny
but an uncoated one would be interesting too - getting brown, patchy, covered in verdigris