we just tried to waterproof our workshop, showroom and my parents ground-floor
since the peak of the Danube floods will arrive here tomorrow
like probably everywhere with all this rain
so we´re going to be a bit behind and very very wet
hopefully it´s not going to be as bad as it currently looks
for all of you out there
sounds like the rain has stopped for a bit
for my birthday dear JULIE created me a delicious menu
considering all my diet restrictions - but it´s sure doesn´t look like that
she also made me the most wonderful little cookbook
thank you so much for this amazing gift
and thank you NINA for a spot on cookie cutter and an edition of one of the most beautiful books
i also just made her FICHTENWIPFERL again - so woody and sweet
my mother´s Dijon roses
cut before they started to rot in the rain
and pretty columbine varieties from my favorite old plant lady from the farmers market
she brings new to me ones every week
hopefully my garden will soon look like the one in the old photograph
at first i thought those two wreath styles wouldn´t go together
and i had to choose
but now i like them both - do you have a favorite?
i´d love a bit of help with this decision
LOOP EAR STUDS to go with the LOOP RING - custom made
an INTERVIEW with Ana Kras
i like THIS GIRL´S style
(i don´t think i got one of my own, since i like to change everything so much)
which reader are you going to use
when google reader runs out?