W had a little operation today
but he´s coming home tomorrow
and plans on being up and about in a couple of days
doing "light" work, since no work at all would be crazy for him
riding my bike with a basket full of new plants
(50% off at the most ugly hardware store)
i came across a huge dump littered with KFC trash and full of blooming horsefoot
so stunning
since it´s still rather cold
i´m forcing twigs all over the place
also in our CAN VASE
AND: thank you for all your comments on my easter post
you guys... it means a lot
and they make me want start with a new project right away...
here´s the TINY BOUQUET #32 EASTER that didn´t make the cut
the black cats have definitly left me
their mother is back now
looking rather weak after this harsh winter on the road
ANA KRAS - love her lamps
MARSANO tumblr - makes me even more flower crazy