
wedding weekend
(not me!)
i just wanted to make a NOT SO TINY BOUQUET #21 FALL BRIDE (or PRIDE, works both ways)
for a dear friend of mine who got married this Saturday
wanted to wear those blue shoes
(shown with heart shaped cat food for the lovely occasion)
but i couldn´t walk in them so i choose some old ones
but still my feet hurt so much that fun night
i spent quite some time standing on a little rolling pin yesterday
to get rid of those cramps
also i made an almost not recognizable BUXUS heart
(does anyone in the Regensburg area need lots and lots of little cuttings by the way?!)
and spend quite some time looking at those almost black dahlias
(was almost tempted to plant some of these pettishly beauties - not ready yet for this care intensive plants though)
and a picture of me showing off the bouquet with W "hiding" behind the window.
a few minutes after finishing the crocheted bead spread
i read this sentence in Elizabeth Von Arnims "Elizabeth and her German Garden":
"... and all forms of needlework of the fancy order 
are inventions of the evil one for keeping the foolish from applying their heart to wisdom."
indeed i sometimes do needlework to sort of numb myself
and just make with out thinking only counting the stiches
and i ain´t very wise for sure...