
We´re pretty confident in saying we got something for every mum out there - check this out: 

For the best mum (meaning EVERY mum of course): MUMSIE, MUDDI, ALLERLIEBSTES MUTTERHERZ - wir schreiben wirklich (fast) alles für euch auf unsere LETTERED PENDANTS, für letzteres brauchen wir vier Zeilen, DIE BESTE passt in zwei. / For the nostalgic mum who can´t believe how small you were back in the day: TINY PERSON, SLEEPING. / For the lazy mum who calls you and your siblings by the same name: A LETTERED RING, with your handcarved initial on it.

For the mum who wants you to close the deal: Die NÄGEL MIT KÖPFEN waren nicht unsere Idee, sondern die einer netten Kundin - einer sehr netten Kundin sogar: Sie hat sie uns geschenkt und jetzt haben alle was davon. / For the mum who thinks the neighbors´ kids are so much nicer than you: ELSA ARTMANN hat zwei sehr nette Gesichter auf Emaille gemalt: MY EYES ARE CLOSED SO YOU DON´T SEE ME and HI  

For the mum with the sprawling picture gallery using up a ton of cloud storage: Have your CUSTOM ENAMEL PORTRAIT painted and turned into a very special pendant - but hurry up with the selfie taking, these need a bit of production time.

Well, I don´t know what mum this wouldn´t work for: Have yourself or the grandkids turned into a hand cut silver SILHOUETTE CHARM using a sketch based on your profile portrait.

For the graphic mum who loves to recount the story of your birth: We all come from RED OVARIES - though not all of us travelled through BLUE HIPS while being born. 

For the mum who likes you even though you are annoying - or the other way round: THROUGH THICK AND THIN RINGS / For the cat mum: ROUND CAT, gibts auch in grün und rot. 

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