
it´s almost Halloween
so we dressed up a bit
and took some scary pictures
hopefully you´re not too afraid of us
do take a look
otherwise you would miss all the jewellery hidden throughout the pictures
old favorites and a limited brass edition of some of our rings
to trick or treat yourself you can either look for something nice HERE
my frequent sweater changes are probably inspired by the announcement of the return of Twin Peaks
HERE are all of them
W´s not so sure but i just love my vintage dead stock cardboard decorations 
i found on the flea market a few weeks ago
as you can see in the last picture we lost an ear ring
so in case there are some readers from Regensburg
how know where this picture is taken
there´s now not only a geo catch hidden somewhere but also an ARROW EAR STUD
find it and keep it!

11 Kommentare:

  1. einen kurzen gruselblick gewagt und froh gesehen ::
    nicht nur blätter fallen von den bäumen,
    und nicht nur zu ostern verstecken sich feinheiten.

    1. und stell dir vor: immer noch kein oster-ohrring gefunden!
      irgendwann einmal vielleicht...

  2. ihr seid völlig verrückt
    aber ich liebes es so : )

  3. I always love your photo series so much - it looks like you and W have so much fun together. He has a good sense of humor, like you, and I always love your dark broody photography the best. And the garlic crown! So very good.

    Also, I am crazy excited about twin peaks returning! woohoo!

    1. thank you so much for your kind words!

      we do have fun indeed;) hopefully the garlic keeps away the real evil!

      actually i´m almost too scared to watch twin peaks - especially the second season...

  4. ;^))
    the first and last image i love the best
    that your father joins makes me smile
    thank you for this serie

    with love

    1. thank you so much;)

      he happily plays along with every suggestion i make
      sometimes i´m a bit worried about the picture we´re painting here
      but it´s just how we are:)

  5. ihr seid herzerwärmer. immer wenn ich den rechner aufklappe erfreue ich mich an dieser wieder mal grandios zusammengestellten serie. und über kopfschmuckbilder freue ich mich ja eh :) handkuss zu euch*

    1. ach, julie:) irgendwann sollten wir mal alle zusammen bekränzt vor die kamera springen, oder?!

      hab es gut, du!
