
MIMA posted an interview with WSAKE 
and wrote some very nice words about us - thank you so much, Indre!
my days are spent planing and working on prototypes
and to clear my mind i think about the garden
what has to be done
and where to plant what
(including California poppies from NINA)
another tiny custom made golden thing - a knuckle ring
yesterday i went to a carnival ball
dressed up as my own cat in the very last minute
but i would love to come up with an actual costume
maybe i´ll give the welding outfit from FLASHDANCE a try...
adorned with a few blue bulbs
snowy and cold

7 Kommentare:

  1. Der Kommentar wurde von einem Blog-Administrator entfernt.

  2. Die Anemonen ... so fein und anmutig.

  3. Haha cat rules! Me too have been pondering what to plant in my garden this coming spring, ugh can't wait for it to come. :D Got my eye on your next posts.

  4. So schön, zart und bezaubernd. Wie immer!

  5. fasching mag ich nicht
    aber du als deine katze - das hätte ich schon gerne gesehen
    klick, tine

  6. danke für die schönen worte.
    es freut mich so, dass es dir gefallen hat und du mitgemacht hast.
    der reif begleitet mich nun in den wald. 3 wochen. ganz weg.

